Young Leaders Africa In order for democracy to thrive, we need strong, ethical and values based leaders who are community spirited GET STARTED Drive meaningful social change​ Values-based leadership improves accountability, ethical decision making, integrity and oversight​ Get Started World-Class Leaders Access to a network of over 300 leaders from across Africa​ Get Started

Building Better African Leaders

World-class leadership programme focused on developing values based, ethical and community spirited leaders focused on building a better society.


Three ALI – Young Leaders classes already hosted since 2013 throughout Africa


Over 60 fellows in the ALI – YL network across Sub-Saharan Africa

Thought Leadership

Thought leadership contributions from Fellows within the society

Support Centres

Several youth training and support centres have benefitted from us

Africa’s Leadership Challenge

Widespread leadership challenges across the globe and in Africa leading to poor service delivery, increased corruption and rising unrest

A focus on short termism and the individual opposed to the long term and the community

There is a disconnected and fragmented approach to addressing the challenges facing South Africa and Africa

There is a severe shortage in Africa and South Africa of strong values based and ethical leaders who are community spirited and committed to giving back who will help address the many challenges Africa currently faces

Corruption Watch research in South Africa highlighted that many youth struggled to identify corrupt behaviours and that higher income earners were more likely to participate in corruption

Our Philosophy

1. There is a serious Leadership vacuum in South Africa across all spheres of Society
2. Leadership has the ability to drive meaningful social change
3. Values-Based Leadership has a ripple effect influencing not just the leader but those around them
4. Developing Leaders creates a powerful network of influencers
5. Values-Based Leadership improves accountability, ethical decision making, integrity and oversight

Three ALI

Young Leaders classes already hosted since 2013

Over 60 fellows in the ALI

Young Leaders network across Sub-Saharan Africa

Ongoing thought leadership

Contributions from Fellows within community and national news platforms